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Dynamics of Prayer


Every man who desires to have a wholesome Christian experience must come to understand the place of Prayer, its essence, and unfailing prowess. ‘Dynamics of Prayer’ is a tool to correct the misconceptions on prayer, a charge to rekindle the embers that have burned out as a result of prayerlessness; it is also an overview on the prayer lives of our models in the faith.

An in-depth study into the life and ministry of Jesus, with emphasis on his praying habit. This series explains among many others, the endless treasures in prayer, the boundless possibilities that praying presents, the supernatural adventures that happen when we pray, and the assurance that comes from moments of communion with the Father.

This teaching shows the didactic nature of prayer, the core of prayer, and the irreplaceable role it plays in the work of soul-winning. As ministers of the New Testament, the understanding that the work of the new creation is solely dependent on the power of the spirit, is in itself a call to a lifetime of praying.

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